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English Poetry; 161 messages

can you see it in

can you see it in my eyes??

you dont knw how i m feelin
i have yet to vocalize
desire deep inside me
can you see it in my eyes??
i tremble when i m near you
heat travels up my thighs..and i want you with an urgency
that i just cant descirbe
dare i reachout to touch you u think you''d realize
how much i want n need u
can you see it in my eyes
i long to say i luv u
but am scared of ur reply
terrified like a child
i have become paralaysed
the camaouflaged emotions lead to pain n slient cries
and yet i just cant tell u..
dont you see it in my eyes??
confessin through dis poem
my dilemma summarized

627 chars (4 sms)

On occasion we

On occasion we wonder what our purpose in life is,

We don’t listen to our inner voice, ignoring his.

Something inside propels us to act,

Yet we often fail to recognize it and simply don’t react.

Perhaps we have known all along,

But we are too afraid that we could be wrong.

We must take a chance on our given talent,

Each and every one of us can be valiant.

If we veer off track,

Something inside will pull us back.

Maybe it could be we are being tested,

So when our individual purpose becomes clear, it is not ignored or rejected.

565 chars (4 sms)

You can shed tears

“You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she''ll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all she''s left.
Your heart can be empty because you can''t see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she''d want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”

632 chars (4 sms)

The past time has

The past time has
departed, so that it no
longer is; and the future is
not in existence,
in that it has not yet
arrived. And even the
present is not... in that it
does not abide. For see-
ing that the present does
not stand fast, and does
not abide even for an in-
stant, how can it be said
to be present, when it
cannot stand fast for one

362 chars (3 sms)

My sweetest memory

My sweetest memory-UR msg!

My biggest sadness-The distance!

My biggest hope-i wil c u soon!

My strongest prayer-r relation continues 4ever

147 chars (1 sms)

Alphabetic advice fo

Alphabetic advice for you:


Avoid Bad Company.


Don''t Entertain Fools.


Go for High Ideas.


Just Keep Lovely friends like me.

172 chars (2 sms)

I Cry Sometimes Whe

I Cry
Sometimes When I''m Alone
I Cry,
Cause I Am On My Own.
The Tears I Cry Are Bitter And Warm.
They Flow With Life But Take No Form
I Cry Because My Heart Is Torn.
I Find It Difficult To Carry On.

If I Had An Ear To Confiding,
I Would Cry Among My Treasured Friend,
But Who Do You Know That Stops That Long,
To Help Another Carry On.

The World Moves Fast And It Would Rather Pass By.
Then To Stop And See What Makes One Cry,
So Painful And Sad.
And Sometimes…
I Cry
And No One Cares About Why.

520 chars (4 sms)

October''s The Month

"October''s The Month
When The Smallest Breeze
Gives Us A Shower
Of Autumn Leaves.
Bonfires And Pumpkins,
Leaves Sailing Down -
October Is Red
And Golden And Brown."
- Can Teach Songs

"Listen! The Wind Is Rising,
And The Air Is Wild With Leaves,
We Have Had Our Summer Evenings,
Now For October Eves!"
- Humbert Wolfe

333 chars (3 sms)

Love Me In The Springtime

Love Me In The Springtime,
When All Is Green & New,
Love Me In The Summer,
When The Sky Is Oh So Blue,
Love Me In The Autumn,
When The Leaves R Turning Brown,
Love Me In The Winter,
When The Snow Is Falling Down.
Love Me When I''m Happy,
And Even When I''m Sad,
Love Me When I''m Good,
Or When I''m Oh So Bad,
Love Me When I''m Pretty,
Or If My Face Is Plain,
Love Me When I''m Feeling Good,
Or When I''m Feeling Pain.
Love Me Always Darlin'',
In The Rain Or Shining Sun,
Love Me Always Darlin'',
Until All Our Life Is Through,
Love Me Always Darlin'',
For I''ll Be Lovin'' You.

600 chars (4 sms)

It Was 14th Moon Night

It Was
14th Moon Night
Dark Calm All Around
Comlpete Silence
A Voice Was Heard
................Some One Was Saying Something
Under The Shade Of Moon
No One Was Awaiking
Birds Were Also Sleeping
Only The Stars Were Watching
.......................They Were Twinkling
A Voice Was Still Hearing
There Was Some One
Under The Shade Of Moon

.......................That Was I Just I Under The Shade Of Moon

And I Am Just Just Praying For You!!!!!!!!!

469 chars (3 sms)

Silent Words Across A

Silent Words Across A Screen.
How Could They Mean So Much To Me.
I Promised Myself I Would Not Cry.
Then A Silent Tear Falls From My Eye.

What Did I Do, What Did I Say,
To Make You Change Your Mind, The Day You Went Away.
Everyday, Waiting For A Sign
To Let Me Know, You Might Still Want To Be Mind.

Andother Day Comes And Goes,
I Want To Write, But I Can''t, I Know.
You Said You Needed Me More Than I Needed You,
Why Would You Say That, If You Knew It Wasn''t True?

Why Did You Say You Loved Me?
Then Turn Around And Set Me Free?
I Love You And Want You,
But I Know I Can''t Make You Love Me.

616 chars (4 sms)

2 Best Lines

2 Best Lines...

Love Ur Love So Much Thaht U Dont Have To ASk,


Trust Ur Friend So Much Thaht U Dont Have To Tell,


173 chars (2 sms)

A Heart" Dies When

"A Heart" Dies When It Is Not Able To Share Its "Feelings....,

But A "Heart" Kills Itself When Another Heart Doesnt understand Its "Feeling"

143 chars (1 sms)

my luve''s like a red

my luve''s like a red red rose
that''s newly sprung in june
my luve''s like the melodie
that sweetly play''d in tune.
as fair art thou, my bonie lass
so deep in luve am I
and I will luve thee still, my
till a'' the seas gang dry
till a'' the seas gang dry, my
And the rocks melt wi'' the sun
I will luve thee still, my Dear,
while the sands o'' life shall run.
And fair the whwwl a While
And I will come again, my Luve,
tho'' it were ten thousand mile...

481 chars (4 sms)


Love can be,
found in the wormth of a kiss,in a touch
or a lingering embrace….
Love can be
found in a sweet,tender glance or a
smile that laughts up the face…
Love can be
found in words softly spoken,in
comfertable silence too….
Love can be
found in any number of ways…

Love can be,
found in the wormth of a kiss,in a touch
or a lingering embrace….
Love can be
found in a sweet,tender glance or a
smile that laughts up the face…
Love can be
found in words softly spoken,in
comfertable silence too….
Love can be
found in any number of ways…


674 chars (5 sms)

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